Unlinking RMM Staff Agents and End-users from Service Desk

Unlinking a Staff Agent or customer end-user from RMM stops the synchronisation of the user's data between the two systems.

If you want to stop a Staff Agent from being billable, they must also be 'hidden' (see Hiding Staff Agents).
When you choose to unlink a user, you will be given the option to reassign any tickets currently assigned to that user.

Unlink RMM Staff Agents from Service Desk

  1. Go to Settings - Integrations - Remote Management.
  2. In the default Staff tab, all Staff Agents imported from RMM are listed.
  3. Locate the Staff Agent you want to unlink and click on the Unlink button.
  4. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click OK to confirm.
  5. If there are any tickets assigned to the Staff Agent, the Reassign tickets dialog is displayed:

  6. Select the Staff Agent you want to reassign the tickets to and click Unlink from RM.

Unlink RMM customer end-users from Service Desk

  1. Go to Settings - Integrations - Remote Management.
  2. Click on the Users tab to display all customer end-users imported from RMM.
  3. Follow steps 3-5 above to unlink the customer end-user from RMM.